Cookie Policy

Cookies are used on this shopping site to keep track of essential items such as your log in status and the contents of your shopping cart, to check that you are not a spam bot and to gather statistics about how the site is used.
The first time you visit us the website will check and display a notice about cookies if your browser has not visited us before. Once you have accepted the cookie notification the notice will not reappear, this is an example of how a cookie works - it records your choice in a small file on your browser so you dont keep having to answer the same thing over and over.
What Are Cookies ?
A cookie is a small file and holds a certain amount of data, which our website can send to your browser. It may then be stored on your computer's hard drive and can be accessed by our web server. This cookie data can then be retrieved and can allow us to customise our web pages and services accordingly. It's important to clarify that cookies do not collect any personal data stored on your hard drive or computer.
To find out more about cookies, visit .
How to Control and Delete Cookies
For more information on how to control your cookie settings and browser settings, or how to delete cookies on your hard drive, please visit
Social Media and 3rd Party Cookies
To enrich our website experience sometimes we may embed or link to content from other social media and essential service websites such as YouTube,Facebook, Paypal or Google etc. As a result you may be presented with cookies from these websites. Costumechest has no control or liability over these cookies so you should check the relevant third party's cookie policy for more information.